A Tv programm I watched as a child

 When I was nine years old my oldest cousin talk us (me and my other cousin) about Naruto, a japanese anime which tell the story about a ninja kid who want to be the "Hokage" (President) of his Village. The serie have a lot of combats between the characters and show us how Naruto begins to be apreciated by everyone. The animated serie is original of a manga (japanese comic) and has begin to writed by Masashi Kishimoto at the 21th September of 1999, but the anime was released firstly in 2003. 

The storie divides in two big parts, one who show Naruto as child, and the second, Naruto Shippuden, where the protagonist becomes older and stronger. In the actuallity exist the serie of the son of Naruto, Boruto, but I dont have find the time to see it.

I like this serie becaused it show how someone can reach his goals against all adversityies and, in my opinion, most of the fights are incredible in his animation and narrative. Also almost every characters of the serie are very good built and becomes a development along the storie. What I found a negative point of the serie is that the interactions between Naruto and his enemies beginn, with the time, to be repetitive and boring.


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