Ingles 4 Introduction

Good Morning classmates and teacher, My name is Clemente and I'm 19 years old. I'm studying Architecture here in FAU and I live with my Mother, my brother and we have a cat. My mother studied Art in the University of Chile and she have the national record of high jump in Chile. My brother it's bithday today and he turns 17, his name is Ignacio, but we also call him "Yeye". Our cat have 13 years old and her name is Celeste, she was with us since she has 1 month.

I'm in second year of the University and my hobbies are do any sport with friends play computer and hear music. My favourite sport is Tennis, and when I was younger, I compete in a lot of tournaments, but since 4 years I do it only as a hobbie. Now I play more football and basketball becaused I think that playing with teammates is an another type of competition and, usually, is funnier.


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