A Concert

 In my live I have been in a concert only one time and it was like 13 years ago. I was in the school, I think third or second grade and the mother of one of my best friends invites me and 3 more friends to a concert, where she was working with the artists. The concert was of  "Los Jaivas", when they turn 50 years old as group. 

I don´t remember everything becaused was long time ago, but I have some images of being in first row without knowing any song and without being able to see anything becaused I was to small. Later we go playing with my classmates and in the night we went for a pizzas near of the concert.

This is the only big concert that I have ever go, but before pandemia I went a few time to the theater to hear concerts of classical music, operas and one time a memorial of Gustavo Cerati. This last one was very interesting becaused the group mixed the argentinian rock with and classical orchestra and psychedelic images, so you get absorbed by the performance. I went to this little concerts with my father, but currently is dificult to convince him to go. 


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