For me too is a great idea to have this free week in September, it was also excelent that was the last week and not this week, so we take the holidays of  Monday and Tuesday.
Last week can be summarized in this 5 activities:

1. Socialising:
I was able to coordinate with many friends that I haven´t seen a long time ago. We have organized a barbecue, where we have played Fifa and spoke the hole night. Also I meet new people, one of my best friends studies theatre and he invited us to a party of his carreer, there we passed a great time. On Monday I went to a "Fonda", whit classmates and more friends, so it was a great "weekend".

2. Sport
I took the free time to go to the gym and to do sport. I played tennis again with an old friend and I also went to a basketball tournament of 3v3, where we lost all the games. On Sunday, with my father and my brother, we went to "El Colorado" to ski during the day.

3. Eat
Like most of people, I ate a lot of food. I went to 4 barbecues in the week and also I had lunch many days in the house of my grandmother, who serves a lot of food. 

4. Drink
With so many barbecues and socialising with friends was very difficult to stop drinking, so I passed many days with glasses with alcohol in my hand. But I hadn´t a bad experience so it was perfect.

5. Sleep
Like every Vacation that I had, I sleot a lot. I think every day I was sleeping minimum 8 hours, when in normal circumstances I sleep no more than 5-6 hours. That was the best of last week.


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